I will shout all the things I have to be grateful for. 2018
This anthology is the result of a three-year poetry residency on ward 4GP, Flinders Medical Centre as part of The Arts in Health FMC Program. The ward houses the statewide eating disorder program
and patients have worked with David to produce these stunning and poignant works.
"These unique pieces of work express thought, created in a safe and supportive environment, written at times where our patients are feeling fragile and uncertain. Enjoy the raw, the funny, the touching and honest poems contained within this book."
Graham Deakin - Clinical Services Consultant
"I was thrilled to be invited to launch I will shout all the things I have to be grateful for...I highly recommend this book."
Jenny Valentish - Journalist and Author
Adopted 2017
Four dynamic writers unearth the ongoing effects of their adoption through poetry and prose. This anthology presents rarely heard, authentic adoptee perspectives on trauma, loss and reclaiming identity. Published by Identity Rites with the support of Relationship Australia I was privileged to work with Diana Dunning, Sofie Gregory, Rebecca Johnston and Melinda Rackham.
'We found something refreshingly different about working with David. He came as an ally - willing to listen, learn, encourage and join with us in writing rather than an expert on adoption. He opened the world of poetry, introducing us to classical and contemporary poets and techniques. It was the freedom, acceptance and honesty afforded in the group that allowed each of us to experiment, find our voice and express it in poetry.'
Perfect 2015
This anthology was a partnership between Adelaide City Council, Common Ground Social Housing, and The S A Writers' Centre.
This project involved a glorious range of participant who were united by housing issues. A twenty-week program explored poetry and prose in both Adelaide and Port Augusta.
The resulting work was published and launched to wide acclaim in 2015.